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E A Mack Antiques

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George II Burl Walnut and Carved Gilt Mirror,  circa 1730-1750.
The pediment frieze with a basket of flowers and swags is carefully balanced and beautifully executed. The mottled burl walnut veneer is a standard treatment for architectural mirrors of this time period. Excellent original condition, with some minor gesso loss.   

George II Carved and Gilt Mirror, with original swing candle or sconce arms, circa 1710-1720.
The simple gilded pine frame sets off  the shallow restrained carving and, in the lower crest, reserves for the original early 18 th century brass candle arms. Excellent original condition.

t-lgmirror.jpg (13588 bytes) A Fine Adams Style Giltwood and Gesso Over Mantle Mirror, c. 2nd half 19th century. This late Classical Style Over Mantle Mirror, one of most ornate of its' time period, features a moulded cornice hung with spherules above a tympanum decorated with Egyptian and Greek motifs, with Adams style Urns, above three beveled mirrorplates with flanking fluted colonettes, on a similiarily decorated horizontal base.